Our Presenters

David Brodzinsky, PhD, is a member of the NCAP team and is the co-author, most recently, of The Adopted Children (with Jesus Palacios). David, who is a Professor Emeritus of Clinical and Developmental Psychology at Rutgers University, worked with the Donaldson Adoption Institute for 18 years, first as a Board member and later as Research and Project Director. Over the past four decades, his research and scholarly writings have focused primarily on issues related to the adjustment of adopted and foster children and their families. He has published more than a 100 professional journal articles and book chapters related to adoption and foster care, as well as seven books on adoption. He is internationally known for his research on developmental and family issues in adoption. David lives in the Los Angeles area, where he maintains a clinical and consultation practice focusing on the mental health needs of adoptive kinship members. He is also a consultant to the Center for Adoption Support and Education and has been a training consultant to numerous public and private adoption agencies throughout North America and Europe.
Jesús Palacios, PhD, is a Professor of Developmental and Educational Psychology at the University of Seville, Spain. The primary focus of his research and practice activities is child protection, particularly in adoption and foster care. Among his scholarly work is a longitudinal study on the impact of early adversity and post-adoption recovery. He also participates in international research networks, including by organizing the fourth International Conference on Adoption Research (ICAR) in Spain in 2013. A prolific writer, Jesus has published numerous research articles andb ooks on adoption and foster care. On the practical side, he has developed professional instruments for the assessment of suitability and preparation of both adoptive and foster parents. He collaborates in the design of child protection policies in various countries and participates in research projects and practice networks to improve our understanding of individuals and families, as well as professional interventions to support them.