International Soundex Reunion Registry - An international service to the world-wide community of those separated from family. PACT- Recommended Resources for Adopted People: including many essays by adopted individuals.
Current Adoptive Parents
Adoption Learning Partners offers an array of interactive e-learning courses for current adoptive parents, adopted individuals, and other family members as well as professionals. They also offer live and recorded webinars by experts in the adoption field.
Adoptive Families is a national adoption magazine that provides resources on all types of adoption and can be accessed through print or online. Their site includes a directory of many types of resources, including adoption agencies, adoption attorneys and doctors, support groups, and others.
A website sponsored by the U.S. Children’s Bureau provides many prints and electronic publications and links to a range of resources on child welfare and adoption issues for both the public and professionals.
North American Council on Adoptable Children (NACAC) is committed to meeting the needs of waiting children and the families who adopt them. Their website contains a range of resources, in particular an extensive website on adoption subsidies, including state profiles, fact sheets and a national summary of state adoption assistance programs.
Tapestry Books: A good resource for books and DVDs about adoption, permanency, foster care.
Prospective Adoptive Parents
Foster Family to Forever Family, an online course With Eyes Wide Open, an Adoption Learning Partners online course for those seeking to adopt internationally, along with others on medical issues and other topics: Creating an Adoption Profile that Works, an online Adoption Learning Partners course 10 Things Every Birth Mother Wants Adoptive Parents to Know Adopting Across Racial Lines: Recommended resources from PACT: An Adoption Alliance. Includes online video: What to Know Before Considering Transracial Adoption. Adoption Learning Partners offers an array of interactive e-learning courses for current adoptive parents, adopted individuals, and other family members as well as professionals. They also offer live and recorded webinars by experts in the adoption field. Resolve: A support network and resources for individuals and couples experiencing infertility. Tapestry Books: good resource for books and DVDs about adoption, permanency, foster care.
Birth Family Members
A Family’s Guide to the Child Welfare System: A guide for families in the child welfare system, including experiences of other families, laws and policies, and how to advocate for a family's rights. Also available in Spanish.
Expectant Parents Considering Adoption
Are You Pregnant and Thinking About Adoption? (CWIG, 2014) The Rights of Unmarried Fathers (CWIG, 2014) What You Should Know If You Are Considering Adoption for Your Baby 10 Things Every Birth Mother Wants Adoptive Parents to Know Birth Mom Buds - An online support resource for expectant parents considering adoption and birthparents
Transracial Adoption Resources
Adopting Across Racial Lines. Recommended resources from PACT: An Adoption Alliance.
Transracial Parenting in Foster Care and Adoption: Strengthening Your Bicultural Family. Iowa Foster and Adoptive Parents Association, 2008. Transracial Adoption Resources. Child Welfare Information Gateway. Resources from Adoptive and Foster Family Coalition of New York (AFFCNY)
Kin Caregiving
Since the start of the Great Recession, More Children Raised by Grandparents, Pew Research Center, 2010.
AARP Grandparent Information Center: a variety of resources for grandparents.
A Family’s Guide to the Child Welfare System: A guide for families in the child welfare system, including experiences of other families, laws and policies, and how to advocate for a family's rights. Also available in Spanish.
Grandfamilies State Law and Policy Resource Center: from Casey Family Programs, the American Bar Association Center on Children and the Law, and Generations United, this searchable database of current State laws and pending legislation in support of grandfamilies, and assists policymakers in exploring policy options to support relatives and the children in their care both inside and outside of the child welfare system (2012).
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Resources: from, this collection of resources for grandparents includes information on benefits and assistance, health and safety, and state-specific information.
Kin Caregivers and the Child Welfare System: a Factsheet for Families from the Child Welfare Information Gateway (2010).
Access to Birth Certificates for Adult Adoptees
American Adoption Congress site on state legislation related to adopted persons’ access to original birth certificates:
Adoption Openness
Expectant/First/Birth Parents
Concerned United Birthparents: “The only national organization focused on birthparents – their experiences, healing and wisdom – CUB serves all those affected by adoption and all who are concerned about adoption issues. Although our focus is on birthparents, long the forgotten people of the adoption community, we welcome adoptees, adoptive parents, and professionals. We find that we all have much to learn from each other and that sharing our feelings and experiences benefits all of us.”
A Family’s Guide to the Child Welfare System: A guide for families in the child welfare system, including experiences of other families, laws and policies, and how to advocate for a family's rights. Also available in Spanish.