ALMA, the pioneer organization in fighting for the rights of adoptees everywhere, is the oldest, most comprehensive and successful registry of its kind, founded by the adoptee, Florence Fisher in 1971. Alma’s extensive registry is augmented by search help from volunteer staffers with years of experience in helping adopted persons and birth family members search and be in contact with each other.
Email Alma Society anderson@almasociety.org
Birth Family Members
A Family’s Guide to the Child Welfare System: A guide for families in the child welfare system, including experiences of other families, laws and policies, and how to advocate for a family's rights. Also available in Spanish.
Expectant Parents Considering Adoption
Are You Pregnant and Thinking About Adoption? (CWIG, 2014) and Are You Pregnant and Thinking About Adoption?
The Rights of Unmarried Fathers (CWIG, 2014) What You Should Know If You Are Considering Adoption for Your Baby 10 Things Every Birth Mother Wants Adoptive Parents to Know Birth Mom Buds : An online support resource for expectant parents considering adoption and birthparents
Expectant/First/Birth Parents
Concerned United Birthparents: “The only national organization focused on birthparents – their experiences, healing and wisdom – CUB serves all those affected by adoption and all who are concerned about adoption issues. Although our focus is on birthparents, long the forgotten people of the adoption community, we welcome adoptees, adoptive parents, and professionals. We find that we all have much to learn from each other and that sharing our feelings and experiences benefits all of us.”
A Family’s Guide to the Child Welfare System: A guide for families in the child welfare system, including experiences of other families, laws and policies, and how to advocate for a family's rights. Also available in Spanish.
Hello, I've been looking for my son for over 2 decades now. It was an open adoption but califonia keeps telling me I have zero right to have records of anything. Born April 1 1996 in roseville California. Thank you
Hello I am trying to contact my identical twin sister
Hello, I am trying to assist my wife in finding her daughter who was given up for adoption and just turned 18. Please help us.
Hello I am looking for my birth father Jeffery Mark polaski