November 2006
Revised with Forward
January 2007
Prepared by: The Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Institute

This study by the Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Institute represents the most thorough, intensive and sophisticated effort to date to understand contemporary infant adoption, particularly as it relates to the least-understood and most-stigmatized participants in the process – the women and men usually termed “birthparents.” The findings and recommendations in this paper are based on a year-long examination and analysis of decades’ worth of research and literature,relating to the topic, as well as interviews with adoption practitioners, including social workers and attorneys. Pursuant to its mission of improving adoption for everyone it encompasses, the Institute’s primary objective was to learn as much as possible about these women and men in order to determine how laws, policies and professional practices affect them; what essential rights they should be afforded; and what reforms are needed to optimize their well-being.
Original Study November 2006:
Revised January 2007: