The National Center on Adoption and Permancy is proud to announce that NCAP's President and Founder, Adam Pertman, is being honored with a 2016 Adoption Excellence Award by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services for his "extraordinary contributions ... in providing leadership to support adoption and permanency outcomes for children in foster care."
HHS established the Adoption Excellence Awards program in 1997 to recognize outstanding accomplishments in achieving permanency for America's children waiting in foster care. The awards honor states, child welfare agencies, organizations, courts, businesses, individuals, and families. Adam's award is being presented to him as an individual and a professional.
Read Adam's bio on NCAP's website to learn more about him and his accomplishments. You can contact him at All of this year's award winners are on this page of the HHS website.
“Adam is an inspirational leader whose contributions to the field – and to the children and families he cares so passionately about – have been enormous," said Ruth McRoy, Ph.D., who serves as Program Chair on NCAP's Board of Directors. "As an adoptive father, he also brings an important perspective to research, education, and advocacy that is truly valuable.”
NCAP's Executive Director and Co-Founder, Carol Biddle, added that she was "pleased that Adam has been honored by this richly deserved recognition" because "he has improved the lives of children and families through his articulate writing, his educational and advocacy efforts, his unparalleled utilization of the media, his thought leadership, and his skilled stewardship of national organizations. Few people have made as many diverse and far-reaching contributions."
Adam expressed his deep appreciation to HHS and, most of all, to his colleagues.
"I'm very grateful for this award, and am moved by it," he said. "It is NCAP and it's an extraordinary team who really deserve recognition, however, so I hope this honor leads more people and organizations to take a look at what we do -- and to partner with us to improve the lives of the children and youth we serve."
The National Center on Adoption and Permanency is a unique “one-stop” nonprofit organization that provides a full range of multidisciplinary services, resources, and information relating to adoption, foster care, and child welfare. NCAP’s mission is to reshape permanency-related policy and practice in the U.S. so that they progress beyond their primary, the traditional goal of ensuring that all children live in safe, permanent, loving homes – with their families of origin when possible, and in new families when necessary – to a new paradigm with a more-vital objective: enabling those children and their families to succeed.
Through its website ( and its team of nearly 30 highly respected, experienced, and successful trainers, educators, speakers, and presenters, NCAP provides a single destination for agencies, government entities at all levels, conference organizers, family and advocacy groups, and professionals to go for expert services, consulting, reliable information and other assistance to fill their short-term and strategic needs.
To learn more about working with NCAP and its team members, please send an email to or