Current Adoptive Parents
Commentaries and News
Adoption-Related Organizations
Adoption Law Resources
Adoption History Project
Adopted Individuals
ALMA - The Adoptees' Liberty Movement Association (ALMA)
Adoptee Rights Campaign
Access to Birth Certificates for Adult Adoptees
"Open Adoption and Diverse Families" by Abbie Goldberg, NCAP Senior Fellow
"Seven Core Issues In Adoption" by NCAP members Sharon Kaplan Roszia and Allison Davis Maxon
Acclaimed Scholar, Amanda Baden Joins Our Research Fellows
We Heard You: NCAP to Fill Gap Left by Donaldson Institute … and More
Maxon Becomes Executive Director, Taylor Joins Leadership as Research Director Biddle Remains
Maxon Becomes Executive Director, Taylor Joins Leadership as Research Director Biddle Remains on NCA
Separating Families at the Border is Child Abuse, 'Plain and Simple'
Ethiopia Adoption Ban May Curb Trafficking, But Poorest Families Need Support
As Opioid Crisis Strains Foster Care, States Aren’t Tracking the Damage
NCAP President Receives Major Award from HHS for `Extraordinary Contributions' to Children in Care
Adoption Trauma by Allison Davis Maxon, LMFT
NCAP Outreach Letter Focuses on How Our People, Services Aim to Create a `Success Model’ for All Chi